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Typical Tooth Pains: What They Each Mean

February 10, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — laplatadental @ 1:26 am
someone holding their cheek and wincing

When you’re dealing with a serious toothache, it can be a little bit difficult think straight. It can affect your ability to focus, eat, and sleep, which can sometimes make it a little bit difficult to figure out what exactly it is that you’re dealing with.

In these situations, it’s always a good idea to talk to a dentist about your issue, allowing you to get a better sense of what it is that you’re dealing with. However, if you’re interested in learning more beforehand about what could be causing your toothache, here are some of the most common kinds of tooth pain and what they could mean.

Stinging Pain When Eating Hot/Cold Foods

Do you ever notice a short, sharp sting when taking a bite of ice cream? Maybe when you drink coffee? You may have tooth sensitivity, a condition that can occur for a few reasons.

In some situations, tooth sensitivity can occur due to thinning enamel. This can usually be mitigated with specialized sensitivity toothpaste. If the pain is severe, however, it could be a sign that you’re dealing with a cavity.

Dull, Lingering Ache

Sometimes, a toothache doesn’t seem to be triggered by anything in particular; suddenly your mouth feels sore, and doesn’t seem to stop. In that case, there could be any of a few factors at play:

  • Teeth grinding (bruxism)
  • An abscessed tooth
  • Anything lodged in the gums
  • Something stuck between the teeth

These conditions can range from mild to severe, so it’s often a good idea to consult a dentist quickly in these situations.

Throbbing, Intense Pain

Then there are the serious, almost debilitating toothaches that seem like they’re coming from within the tooth itself. These are typically a sign of real damage to the tooth, either trauma or a serious infection.

In such cases, it’s important to talk to a dentist immediately– though you probably don’t have to be persuaded to do so.

Dentists will often have emergency appointments available for patients dealing with intense tooth pain, meaning that in many cases you can be seen on the same day you call. That means there’s no reason to hesitate to call your dentist if you’re suffering.

About Our Practice

At La Plata Dental, we understand that no two patients are completely the same. That’s why we make it a point to talk to each of our patients as individuals, understand their needs, and tailor the treatment that they get to them specifically. We know that dentistry can sometimes be stressful, so we make an effort to not only help you get the procedures that you need, but to keep you completely comfortable for the duration of the treatment.

If you have any questions about a toothache, we can be reached at our website or by phone at (240) 349-2439.

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